Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Decision Making

We were given an assignment by the professor to discuss in the class different ways by which we would like to negotiate our grade. The class had to come up with decisions and our resources were getting limited as the professor disclosed more information as the activity progressed.

I used collaboration and accomodation combined as I feel the best way to achieve results is by working in the groiup for the group rather than working against each other. We discussed different options and I was open to listening to others as sometimes an idea can come during brainstorming which can be beneficial to me personally in the long run.

I also wanted to think of us as a group as a whole and be the team player. I think the result was good as we got extra credit and we can drop the lowest grade but if I had to do this all over again, I would still adopt the same technique as I feel it is very effective when it comes to making a decision in a team.


Paula said...

You are right; brainstorming and being open minded to any possible solution makes decision making less chaotic.

Unfortunately, it is not easy for everyone to be open to other's opinions which makes the process of decision making harder as a group.

I was actually surprised that us being a quite large group were able to communicate and finally agree on a solution.

Bobbi said...

I totally agree with your post.I think that the techniques you used are key to successful group negotiations. this was especially important in our situation because of the time constraint and stipulation of 100% concsensus.

It was interesting to see the dynamics of the group discussion. I was not surprised by the differing modes that our classmates chose to habdle the conflict.
In the end I was happy that the dissenting classmates decided to do the utilitarian thing.